Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Late bloomers and revolting beetles

I don't remember this happening last year, though quite possibly it did, but the rhododendron bush behind the bird-favored evergreen bush, just outside the solarium, started blooming in late June and peaked around July 1 - wayyy after the other, purple rhododendrons. It was quite lovely; the pictures below don't do it justice.

Then there are my small, belated alliums. Here they are on June 26 (the hand is Emma's).

And here they are today, below (hand is mine) Does this represent a full bloom? If so, pretty disappointing! I had to stake two of them, too, lest they should fall over.

Is it my imagination, or is the hydrangea doing better than last year? I don't seem to have any pictures from last June/July. Also note the little seedling hydrangea on the left - doing very well.

Below we have a repulsive oriental beetle, [Anomala (=Exomala) orientalis] that I killed. Apparently the grubs of this thing are what destroys a lot of Jersey lawns. Blech.

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