Tuesday, July 18, 2017

It's not safe to be a squirrel

A couple weeks ago there was a dead squirrel in our yard with one of its front limbs ripped off. Grisly. We called the town's animal control office and the very nice Melanie came and bagged it and carted it off. She suspected a fox killed it.

Today, a red-tailed hawk swooped onto the ground outside the solarium, and flew into a tree a few seconds later, then off northwards a few seconds after that. No time for a photo, but in going out to investigate, I found another dead squirrel. So either the hawk killed it and left it there, or the dead squirrel attracted the hawk. Melanie again came by and removed it. She was surprised to see no marks on it.

I think we all know how I feel about the squirrels so I'm just hoping that whatever is killing them likes it here. Welcome, squirrel assassin(s).

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