Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Garden happenings

Cute chipmunks. I don't see them as a problem at all - they do make a few holes in the lawn but they don't dig up the garden (or yard) the way those wretched squirrels do.

This a photo of a chipmunk (bottom left) but note the allium on the right, not yet opened on May 17, in contrast to the photo below from today.

The begonias are filling out nicely and have not been attacked by deer. Yet.

Now to the front - the basil has caught its breath after swooning when first planted, and now it's looking robust. Portulaca behind it starting to bloom.


Barry from Birch Hill Landscaping informed me that the one plant that didn't return last year was an anenome and he'd replace it. That was 15 days ago. Still waiting. Thanks a bunch Barry.

Fine-looking property, isn't it!

Hens and chicks seem to be doing great, and expanding.

I think this is a Siberian iris. It looks great.

Left to right: lavender, artemesia, brachyscome

Peony on the verge of blooming

Only one of the poppies (foreground) has a bud on it. I'm hoping the others might bloom next year. They do have some yellow leaves toward their base so I guess I should look into it. The baptisia, in the background, looks great.

The rhododendrons are in full bloom and gorgeous.

Rosemary and oregano, leftish, are doing fine. Begonia to right.

The sage (left) and parsley (right) seedlings are still wee, but making progress.


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