Friday, March 4, 2016

Tree pruning

This coming Tuesday, a crew from SavATree will be pruning our little forest - expensive but necessary. Their arborist Ryan Case is very nice and helpful.

We're also working with them to figure out cutting down the dying/compromised trees in the front and on the south side of the house, but meanwhile here's what's already scheduled:

General Tree Care  
Location of plant material is from the perspective of main entry point and targets (trees and shrubs) are oriented in a clockwise direction.

One (1) 22" DBH Oak, Chestnut (Quercus prinus), Rear Yard- Perform hazard reduction pruning to include crown cleaning of deadwood 2" in diameter and greater to reduce large falling deadwood.

One (1) 28" DBH Oak, Red (Quercus rubra), Rear yard- Perform hazard reduction pruning to include crown cleaning of deadwood 2" in diameter and greater to reduce large falling deadwood.

One (1) 14" Oak, Chestnut (Quercus prinus) Rear Yard- Perform maintenance pruning to include crown cleaning of deadwood 1" in diameter and greater to enhance health and aesthetics

One (1) 25" DBH Tuliptree (Liriodendron tulipifera), Rear Yard- Perform hazard reduction pruning to include crown cleaning of deadwood 2" in diameter and greater to reduce large falling deadwood.

One (1) 14" DBH Hickory, Bitternut (Carya cordiformis)-Rear yard- Perform maintenance pruning to include crown cleaning of deadwood 1" in diameter and greater to enhance health and aesthetics

One (1) 50" DBH Oak, Red (Quercus rubra)-Rear yard- Perform hazard reduction pruning to include crown cleaning of deadwood 2" in diameter and greater to reduce large falling deadwood. Also, perform a weight reduction on several arching secondary limbs over/toward the roofline and upper right canopy. Also, perform installation of 2 steel cables to help provide supplemental support to the co-dominant leads.

One (1) 26" DBH Oak, Pin (Quercus palustris)-Rear yard- Perform hazard reduction pruning to include crown cleaning of deadwood 2" in diameter and greater to reduce large falling deadwood.

Plant Health Care
ArborKelp Plus Treatment - Mid Season
This unique biostimulant consists of sea kelp and other biologically active components, enhanced by additives prescribed by your arborist specifically for the needs of your landscape. This mixture is recommended for trees which are weakened by construction, insect damage or transplant shock.
  Service Details:  1 Japanese Maple-Rear Yard

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