Thursday, March 24, 2016

Designing a plot

If I may toot my own horn here, I was the star pupil in my garden design class today. My work was used as an example for the class. My design was for this bed:

And here's what I hope it will look like:

This is the plan:

I will need the following: 3 wood's pink asters, 3 thread leaf coreopsis moonbeam, 1 silver mound artemisia, 6 ornamental onion globe master (allium), 9 lungwort (blue with the spotted leaves), and at least 13 ageratum.

All these plants are more or less deer-resistant and partial-shade-tolerant, and something should be blooming from late April through September. 

Meanwhile, here's what's currently happening with the bulbs and the magnolia, which despite the frost is in full glory:

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