Sunday, March 6, 2016

Bulbs peeking up from the soil

Spring is coming tomorrow, TOMORROW, I have judged by the weather forecast, and I won't be talked out of it. I am very excited! It was an overall mild winter and I tried to embrace it, but now that it is over, I am willing to admit that I never liked it. Still, I will try again next winter.

But moving on: my bulbs are coming up! I cleared leaves off them today, and cleaned up some of the many, many, many twigs and branches that fell in our yard over the winter. And I turned the compost pile a bit, and added some deer poo from the yard. The matter is composting, albeit more slowly than it should, I'm sure because it gets very little sun.

Daffodils along the back wall

More daffodils along the back wall

Crocuses in the front, by the garage. This is also where I planted the tulips, quite deeply, and there is no sign of them yet.

Crocus along the walk in the front. It appears to have been chewed off by wildlife. Boooooo.

Daffodils by the front steps. I forgot I had even planted any there!

This is one of the red tulips that were already in front of our house, to the left of the steps as you face the house, when we moved in. It was literally growing through several leaves (so funny that the leaves didn't move out of the way!), so I pulled those off and moved the leaves aside - see below.

Some bad news: The wall in the back has started to fall down, on the northern end. We had some hard rains in the last couple months and I guess they proved too much for the wall. I suppose we will have to have the whole thing replaced at some point - my preference would be to put up something similar, using the same stones, because I do like the way the wall looks, and it photographs so nicely - I think it makes our yard look like a park in photos.

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