Sunday, July 1, 2018

Purple overload

My new delphinium plant is already blooming, and isn't it lovely? If it does well, it will definitely need friends next year.

I am worried that something is eating the echinacea petals, or maybe the blooms just haven't fully formed yet? It is supposed to be deer-resistant, but I guess if they just eat the petals? Or maybe a bug?

View from the tree stump. Did I mention that the oak from this vantage point was removed a few weeks ago? It was dying. Sad to cut it down, and EXPENSIVE, but inevitable.

I am worried that there may be too much purple in some spots in the garden. I love the geraniums, but they are taking over. This is fine, but they make the balloon flower (middle of the frame below) irrelevant. Perhaps I should remove the balloon flowers and give them away, since they attract the deer anyway.

Hydrangea. Still no pink. The creamy white is pretty, though.

Finally my Larkspur is starting to bloom! And it is lovely. And, of course, purple. 

I went to drop off garden debris at the dump yesterday, and was pulling away, when I saw them: tomato cages that someone had dumped. Don't do it, I told myself, but I got out of the car and grabbed three. So here they are, a harbinger of my impending heartbreak when the squirrels eventually eat my accidental tomatoes that I foolishly let myself nurture.

Also: the zinnias are unstoppable!

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