Friday, June 1, 2018

Diabolical wildlife attracted to thriving garden

Let's just start out by saying my garden looks amazing. I believe we can thank the very frequent soaking rains that have continued since the end of winter. They'll bring hordes of mosquitoes, I'm sure, but I can gaze lovingly at my gorgeous thriving garden from behind my window screens.

Iris and allium


Emma makes notes in her garden journal, with her plants in the foreground

Peony! I didn't stake it this year and sure enough, a few days later when all the rest of these buds started blooming, they did droop. Stake next year! 

All the rhododendrons bloomed at once this year, and they were stunning. Remember when I feared the heavy snowstorm would kill them? Not so fast!

I am bursting with pride that ALL the foxgloves in the back plot are on the verge of bloom.

But now for the bad news: the deer and who knows what else have been feasting on more of my little plantlets than ever before. The zinnias, the cornflower, and balloon flower have had it the worst, and I don't know whether deer or something else is to blame for the unfortunate demise of my parsley and the foxglove seedlings in front. Frustrating. I see that the same fate befell the parsley seedlings I had planted last year, so I guess the lesson is that parsley needs to be well-protected, or abandoned.

Parsley, uprooted.
 The alliums in the back tipped over, but the alliums in the front did not. Probably worth staking all of them next year, just in case. Side note: I cut one of the ones in back for a flower arrangement, and it has lasted and lasted! Love these plants. Need more of them next year too.

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