Sunday, April 8, 2018

Reeves-Reed and Van Vleck

Unsurprisingly, there is not much to see at local gardens, because spring has ghosted us. Well, this weekend we've bundled up and gone anyway. I think the overwhelming impression has been, "let's come back when things are actually blooming."

At Reeves-Reed Arboretum, there are a billion daffodils WAITING to bloom, but this variety pulled it off despite the wintriness. I took this picture because every fall I forget that I would like to order daffodils that are pale yellow on the outside and darker yellow on the inside. This is my reminder.

This is Van Vleck House and Gardens in Montclair. Emma was sweeping pine cones with an evergreen branch. Imagine how lovely this will be when the wisteria on the house is blooming!

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