Friday, March 30, 2018

Garden happenings

At the risk of jinxing it, I think we may finally be out of the woods with respect to winter. Yesterday a friend forwarded a forecast with a snowflake in it, and I threatened riots and rampaging. But I feel pretty sure we'll be spared (both snow and riots/rampages).

Plant life is soldiering on, after being buried in snow for a while.

March 20: the first daffodil was poised to bloom!

March 25: it bloomed. And it was lonely.

March 28: crocuses in front yard continue to delight.

March 28

March 28: see the three poppies coming up in the middle of the shot! They look like they might be spreading a little, too. And then there is a daffodil, and salvia in the foreground.

Mar. 28. There is a crocus blooming in the foreground, but this picture is of the bewildered perennial tulips emerging when the snow pile receded. No sign of any previous years' tulips.

March 30: The allium plant in the back plot, which was new last year, has two rather than one shoot this year!

March 30. I cleared a thick mat of wet leaves off the back plot and most everything is looking alive but beleaguered.

March 30: The daffodils on the left, at the back of the property, had been buried under leaves and are all stunted and yellowish! It will be interesting to see whether they make a good recovery.

Just a few feet to the right of the daffodils above, however, these ones are doing splendidly.

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