Sunday, March 11, 2018


A week ago, I was returning from a vacation at a heavenly Caribbean resort. We missed a windy storm here in NJ, and were feeling smug. And then Wednesday came.

A foot of soggy, persistent snow dropped on us. Everywhere you look around my community, there are trees broken and uprooted from the weight of the snow. We were lucky not to be among the many people who lost power (for days, sometimes). Our beloved magnolia split, though fortunately it didn't fall on our garage. I watched my rhododendrons outside the window with great anxiety, and brushed them off once, then sent Pat out to brush them off again later. It was funny to brush the snow off and watch them spring back to life. That snow was HEAVY.

I have no idea what the effect might be on my garden, which is still buried under snow! Some shrubs may never recover. What of the daffodils and crocuses and tulips poking up leaves? Time will tell, assuming spring ever comes (it is that time of year when I despair).

When the snow started falling, it highlighted the branches that had littered the yard during the storm the previous week. And then it got MUCH worse!

Here we have my poor beleaguered rhododendrons before I brushed them off the first time:

 And then here they are after being brushed off:

The rhododendrons made it, I think. Fingers crossed!

Some more scenes from later that day, and the next morning:

Emma took it upon herself to pile up the fallen branches.

Note the moon! Pretty.

On the left, you can see the fallen magnolia.

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