Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Seedlings and grass seed

On Mother's Day, instead of giving myself poison ivy as I did last year, I cleared out the plot in the back that I redesigned in my garden design class. It was hard work, since it seems never to have been improved by whatever stupid person last planted things there, and so no wonder the topiary was the only thing left standing. Anyway, I hauled out a ton of the clay soil and used it to fill patches in the lawn caused by years-ago tree removal and the (huge) "divets" caused by taking down the tree recently, then I put grass seed in those spots.

My little helper.  Naturally the hose did not reach as far as all my grass spots, so we're using the watering can, like people with nothing better to do.

The grass seed spots. Most are at the top of the hill.

I also finally got around to planting the poor trapped seedlings in my mini-greenhouses. They were in there soooooo long. Heaven only knows whether they will make it in their new homes, plus what kind of crazy person creates a box of basil, marigold, and poppies? The kind who is exhausted from hauling clay around her yard, that's what kind. Whatever. I can transplant them later if any of them even make it.

Poppies and alyssum.

Basil, marigolds, and poppies....why? Why not.

Are my lavender seeds still in the fridge? Of course they are. Get over it.

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