Thursday, May 23, 2019


We needed our gutters cleaned, and I tried out Gutter Plumber for the first time, and was very pleased with their service. In particular, the responsiveness is unparalleled.

One of the upper gutters in the back, below the 3rd floor bathroom window, sags a bit and water pools there. One imagines delighted mosquitoes raising countless generations of their children there. Unfortunately, this was not something that the team was able to fix, so it may be worth trying a different service next time, but maybe this is something no one can be reasonably expected to fix.

The total was $240, and while that's a ton more than the $95 Reliant has been charging us, I will say I think they were quite a bit more thorough. They send "before" and "after" pictures. It might make sense for us to alternate between Reliant and Gutter Plumber, since we need someone twice a year.

Here are the before pics:

Gutter Plumber's notes, for my records: "Pitch is fine. What was affecting water flow was all the asphalt and muck as well as the bent screens [which we had them remove]. There was one area where we had to put in a new clip middle of house section but I found no pitch issues at all." We had "pounds of moist debris and muck and the water not draining that smelt like sewage.   We cleared those lines really good and they flushed out well.   The screens sitting down in the lines did bend the gutters slightly and that why we had to put 3 new clips on the  middle right side but honestly you should be fine now as long as you take care of the gutters in Spring and Fall."

Here are the after pics:

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