Thursday, January 7, 2016

Goodbye, leaves. Hello, fellow gardeners.

Today I hauled the last of the leaves* off to the dump. It felt very, very good. I was going to stir my compost but it was frozen. I also covered up the table and chairs, and removed the hose in front (the hose in back was already stored). So winter may come now.

It's not a crazy thing to say, because though it is Jan. 7, we've had just a few days of genuine cold so far. Barely even a frost before that!

On Monday, I went to a meeting of the Maplewood Garden Club ( Everyone was very nice, and there were dozens of them - mostly female and older. They were also kind of adorable - they raffle off books and other things that people want to give away, and they actually judge plants and flower arrangements at the meeting. I was kind of mystified by that. They do this every month! 

They had a speaker who was a landscape architect, and his presentation was very good - I was sort of riveted and with each design he presented, I re-did my own property in my head. Many good ideas.

One good tip I took away: it's okay to start a bed with mulch, but you want to be aiming over time to fill in with plants, not mulch.

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