Monday, July 27, 2015

Tree removal

One of the four trees clustered at the base of our hill in our front yard was dead on (our) arrival when we moved in, though of course we didn't realize it until spring.

I got quotes from 3 companies to remove it: Fred at Pyontek, who said $1250, Joe at Trusty Tree, $1200, and Julian at Frank's Tree Service, $1000. So we went with Frank's, and while it took a few weeks to schedule, today the tree is gone, along with the dead branches on the adjacent tree. It was fascinating to watch.

They took it down in pieces.

Then the branches went in the chipper.

The trunk was cut into much smaller pieces, which got hauled off in a truck.

When the stump was only about 8-9 feet high, they cut it at the bottom and toppled it.

Cutting off one branch in another of the trees meant the guy climbed very high into the tree, chainsaw and all, and eventually let himself back down with a rope! It did not look fun to me, but he seemed to be enjoying it. I wish I had a picture of that.

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